Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Hack Back

South Korea has had enough with North Korean cyber-attacks, so they've opened up a "Best of the Best" academy for so-called "White-Hat Hackers":
"With the North’s economy increasingly strangled by international sanctions, the country has almost no tax base and an expensive nuclear weapons program, meaning it has to seek alternative, often illegal, ways of generating income. North Korean hackers were linked to the theft of $81m from Bangladesh’s central bank in March 2016, and in December the US Trump administration identified North Korea as the culprit behind the WannaCry cyber-attack, which in May caused millions in losses. North Korea has denied involvement.
North Korean hackers have been linked to leaks of credit card information and illegal ATM withdrawals in South Korea. 'There are thousands of cyber-attacks in South Korea every day and most of them never get reported on the news,' Kim said. 'Information security is the basis of economic development.'”
For such a technologically advanced country, it does seem overdue for South Korea to finally take cyber-security more seriously.  They probably never expected a "backwards" North Korea to pull off the type of shenanigans that they've gotten up to lately.

Here's a free hint for starters: maybe don't make all your universities and banks and government agencies so heavily reliant on Internet Explorer?

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